Winter Season 8U-14U
Everest Youth Hockey is dedicated to providing a competitive experience for players. At each age division, players are evaluated at the beginning of the season and teams are grouped by ability level with practices and games tailored to each group’s development needs. While we strive to develop each player’s skating and shooting ability, we also emphasize helping players grow individually and as a team nurturing our skaters love for the sport both on the ice and off all while instilling core values to build a foundation of excellence. All this is achieved through the hard work of our coaches, parents and most of all our young athletes.
USA Hockey Regstration
USA Hockey Registration is required prior to registering for the Everest Youth Hockey Season. Click below to register
8u - Mites (2016 & 2017)
10u - Squirts (2014 & 2015)
12u - PeeWee (2012 & 2013)
14u - Bantam (2010 & 2011)
Season start: September 30, 2024
Season end: March 21, 2025
Squirts: TBD
PeeWee: TBD
Bantam: TBD
All teams will be finalized by 10/31
Practices & home games will be held at the Greenheck Field House.
Away games and tournaments are will be communicated when they are confirmed.
Each development level is allocated ice per season as follows:
8u: 50 hrs on-ice
10u: 60 hrs on-ice
12u: 70 hrs on ice
14u: 75 hrs on ice
Game Schedule
Regular Season Games:
8u: TBD, inquire with coaching staff
10u: 28 regular season games
12u: 32 regular season games
14u: 36 regular season games
- Each EYH player will receive a customized game jersey & sock package that they will keep at the end of the season
- Player uniform package details will be provided at registration.

Everest Youth Hockey is governed by WAHA (the Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association) and follow all WAHA by-laws and guidelines. In accordance with WAHA in order to be eligible to play for EYH you must either:
1. Reside within the D.C. Everest School District. This must by your PHYSICAL home address (not business or relative). Even if you do not attend school within Everest, you still must RESIDE within the school district boundaries.
2. Reside within a surrounding community that does NOT have a local youth hockey organization. These are considered "Open" areas. If you do reside within a community that does not have a local association you also must NOT have played for another association while living in a "Open" area.
If you do not reside in either of the above areas you may not be eligible to play for EYH. Please contact before you register.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is there a fundraising requirement?
A: Yes, each family is required to raise $500.00 in fundraising. A buyout option is available, the buyout cost is $400 and must be paid in full at time of registration.
Q: Are volunteer hours required?
A: Yes, we require each family to contribute to the organization by helping out with tasks such as: Concession Stands, Equipment Handout, Picture Day Helpers, Raffle Ticket Sales and Tournament Setup/Tear down. Volunteer hours can also be earned by Coaching, Team Management, and Board Positions. A buyout option is available, the buyout cost is $400 and must be paid in full at time of registration.
MITE 8U - 24/25
Program Details:
- 50 Hours Practice Ice
- 7-8 League Sunday's
- 2-5 "jamboree" tournaments
- $255 Registration
- $500 fundraising requirement or $400 buyout
-15 Volunteer Hours or $400 buyout
SQUIRT 10U - 24/25
Program Details:
- 60 Hours Practice Ice
- 28 Regular Season Games
- 2-3 Tournaments
- $340 Registration
- $500 Fundraising requirement or $400 buyout
-15 Volunteer Hours or $400 buyout
PEEWEE 12U - 24/25
Program Details:
- 70 Hours Practice Ice
- 32 Regular Season Games
- 2-3 Tournaments
- $380 Registration
- $500 Fundraising requirement or $400 buyout
-15 Volunteer Hours or $400 buyout
BANTAM 14U - 24/25
Program Details:
- 75 Hours Practice Ice
- 36 Regular Season Games
- 2-3 Tournaments
- $415 Registration
- $500 Fundraising requirement or $400 buyout
-15 Volunteer Hours or $400 buyout
CW STORM 14U - 24/25
Program Details:
- 75 Hours Practice Ice
- 36 Regular Season Games
- 2-3 Tournaments
- $415 Registration
- $500 Fundraising requirement or $400 buyout
-15 Volunteer Hours or $400 buyout